Refugee Elderly Lunch Club

Refugee Elderly Lunch Club
The aim of this project is to relieve isolation from refugee elders in Southall and nearby neighbourhoods, providing a weekly drop-in session that gives people the opportunity to socialise with others, get active and eat a home-cooked meal. We organise weekly lunchtime groups at the Southall Resource Centre to build community strength and social relationships. We also provide one-to-one support for elders living alone or in family households, advising them about services and support. We will advise families and service providers about the best ways to support elders.
This client group who are mainly isolated and inactive requested to engage in physical activity and also get help with many other issues; including exercise, advice on welfare benefits, healthy eating, transport and so on. A key aspect of the project is the relief of isolation by bringing people together for social contact and sharing food. Transport is also provided for those with limited mobility.